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  • Command line tool for K8s cluster
  • It communicates via the API server running on the master node or Minikube
  • This is the most powerful way to control the K8s cluster (compared to Kubernetes Dashboard and API)


  • List all components - kubectl get all
  • List nodes - kubectl get nodes
  • List pods - kubectl get pods
  • List services - kubectl get services
  • List deployments - kubectl get deployments
  • Describe a pod - kubectl describe pod <pod-name>
  • Create deployment - kubectl create deployment <deployment-name> --image=nginx
    • This will download the nginx image from dockerhub and create a deployment with the provided name and the nginx image
    • Here deployment name and the image are the parameters we are passing, the rest will be taken as default to generate the K8s config file.
  • Get container logs of a pod - kubectl logs <pod-name>
    • The container must be running inside the pod for this command to work.
  • Open interactive terminal for a pod - kubectl exec -it <pod-name> -- bin/bash
  • Delete deployment - kubectl delete deployment <deployment-name>
    • Replicasets, Pods and Containers under the deployment will be deleted automatically.
  • Create or update a deployment using a K8s config file - kubectl apply -f config.yaml
  • Delete a deployment using a K8s config file - kubectl delete -f config.yaml
  • Get IP address of the pods - kubectl get pods -o wide
  • Get the result of deployment - kubectl get deployment nginx-deployment -o yaml
    • Can also save it to a file - kubectl get deployment nginx-deployment -o yaml > nginx-deployment-result.yaml
  • Create namespace - kubectl create namespace <namespace-name>
  • Get namespaces - kubectl get namespaces
  • List non-namespaced resources - kubectl api-resources --namespaced=false

Last updated: 2022-09-04